Ball Construction Golf Tournament 2018
On Saturday May 26, management, staff and partners of Ball Construction gathered at Rebel Creek Golf Course to enjoy the warm weather and play some Texas Scramble golf.
After the round Jason, Cameron, Gary and Rod welcomed guests and families to a delicious prime rib buffet dinner and a splendid prize table. This year, there was a wide variety of cool items generously donated by Ball suppliers and associates.
Various tournament and contest hole winners:

Tie for the low gross score: Don Tilma and Cameron Keller.

Low net score winner: Sergio Toffolo.

Ladies closest to the pin: Suzanne Johnson

Ladies longest drive competition: Kim Ball

Men’s closest to the pin: Cavell Johnson, Head Coach, KW Titans

Men’s longest drive: Brent Cochrane (accepted by Sean Wyse)

A rose between two thorns! Project manager Braden Strik and Byron Noseworthy encroach on Sue Logan’s personal space.

This mini Cadillac golf cart was provided by Sunbelt to the raffle winners to drive for the day. It includes a full sound system and of course a beer cooler…VERY COOL!