Ball Construction Golfers Defy Weather at Annual Tourney
Despite the constant threat of thunder showers, Ball Construction’s staff, partners and management had another fun-filled annual golf tournament on Saturday May 25 at Rebel Creek Golf Course in Petersburg.
While conditions were a little damp at times, the fun and warm friendship made it all worthwhile. Participants included KW Titans pro basketball co-owner Leon Martin, and head coach Cavell Johnson—both of whom were proud to be on hand after the team’s fantastic third season run to the NBLC semi-finals.
About halfway through the tournament, a lightning storm forced golfers to take refuge in the clubhouse for laughs and libations and thirty minutes later everyone was back at it. After the round, everyone enjoyed a delicious prime rib buffet dinner along with delightful desserts. This was followed by the awarding of prizes as depicted below:

Low Gross winner: Brendon Aitken

Men’s Longest Drive winner: Kevin Perry

Women’s Longest Drive winner: Martha George

Women’s Closest to the Pin winner: Sue Logan

Men’s Closest to the Pin winner: Doug Fehrenbach

Left to right: KW Titans pro basketball co-owner Leon Martin, Jason Ball, Gary Hauck, Titans Head Coach Cavell Johnson, Cameron Ball