Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a modern construction method that provides a vehicle for collaborative working. The technology uses a digital model created from consistent, reliable design information that enables faster decision-making, better documentation and the ability to evaluate a building before breaking ground.
Our team builds the project in a virtual environment while running through procedures and optimizing designs. This allows for more detailed and accurate planning for required materials, equipment and contractors and the sharing of ideas amongst all project participants.
With BIM, you can:
- Import manufacturer details directly into the project design.
- Digitally review the physical and functional characteristics of a structure.
- Automatically generate drawings/designs, reports, schedules and facilities management.
- Produce awe-inspiring designs.
- Have lots of time for modifications and fine-tuning because everyone involved shares a 3D model from the start.
- Maintain design processes in one place (versus having separate sets of drawings).
- Provide greater estimation accuracy.
- Make faster, more accurate decisions.
- Fully evaluate a structure before breaking ground.
- Ensure the smooth flow of information between people and tasks.
- Reduce time and material waste.
- Improve productivity.
BIM provides the seamless technology and work processes that are critical from early conception to finished structure. No wonder it’s now the driving force behind the design, construction and operation of all types of buildings and facilities.
As an industry leader in construction techniques, it’s only fitting that Ball has implemented BIM—the most modern method of design and documentation.
For more information, please contact us today.